Newrl creates Water Tokens for a Sustainable Future

3 min readApr 11, 2023


Are you concerned about the water crisis and its impact on the environment, communities, and businesses?

As the world grapples with water scarcity, businesses are increasingly focusing on water stewardship to ensure long-term sustainability. From breweries to hotels, water-intensive industries are under pressure to demonstrate their commitment to using water efficiently. In pursuit of this goal, many are exploring the potential of water offsets as a strategy for the future. Water offsets involve compensating individuals or organizations with senior water rights in exchange for leaving water at its source. This approach may become an essential tool for businesses as they seek to reduce their water footprint and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices.

To replenish the environment, governments around the world have decided to initiate a round of strategic water buybacks. This involves purchasing water entitlements from willing sellers through competitive and transparent tenders, with the water being returned to its natural habitat. The decision to restart buybacks was made after other measures such as water-saving and offsetting initiatives both on and off farms were deemed insufficient and unlikely to achieve the desired outcomes within the necessary timeframe. By implementing these buyback programs, the government is taking a proactive step towards restoring ecological balance and safeguarding the long-term sustainability of water resources.

Water offsetting is a strategy to address the growing water crisis and promote sustainable water management practices. By purchasing water offsets, one can contribute to the development by conserving, restoring, or protecting water resources. These may include improving irrigation systems, reducing water waste, restoring wetlands, or implementing rainwater harvesting systems. It not only helps in reducing the water footprint but also supports sustainable water management practices that benefit communities and ecosystems. It makes a positive impact on the environment and social sustainability while meeting water needs.

Newrl’s water offset program is flexible and customizable to meet specific needs and goals. Clients can choose the amount of water they want to offset and the projects they want to support. We provide transparent reporting on the impact of your investment so that the progress toward your sustainability goals is easily tracked.

Newrl helped Aquakraft create water offset digital tokens for all water saved by integrating the water metering solutions on the chain. Next, we are to create a marketplace around this and create awareness by leveraging the ESG use cases.

Blockchain enables tamperproof and authenticated data but with Newrl’s additional on-chain actions it is 100% guaranteed authentication of creation. The utility collecting data has savings data hashed and issuance contracts called with it. and thereafter the savings are calculated basis on that data. Once the allocation of credits is confirmed, the tokens are issued in the consumer wallet by a smart contract on the chain. The customers can view the tokens. To ensure transparency and trust, consumer front-end queries are handled on chain smart contracts. Through this groundbreaking approach, we aim to create a new paradigm in which environmental stewardship is rewarded, and participation is tokenized, benefiting not only the environment but also the entire community.

Newrl with Aquakraft prioritizes environmental sustainability while also promoting profitability. We are committed to transparent and accountable management through our use of open smart contracts and a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Our approach embodies a unique ethos and structure, providing a clear direction toward our goal of a sustainable future.

To effectively combat water inefficiency, it is crucial to take a comprehensive approach that addresses the issue at its source and extends throughout the entire supply chain of a company. This involves identifying areas of inefficiency, implementing strategies to reduce water consumption, and engaging with suppliers to ensure that they are also following sustainable practices. By taking a holistic approach, businesses can not only reduce their water footprint but also improve their overall sustainability performance. Addressing water inefficiency at all levels of the supply chain is essential for achieving a sustainable future.

